Architecture & Interiors

Celebrating the artistry of spaces, this category recognizes exceptional photography that captures the essence of architectural marvels and interior designs. From sweeping cityscapes to intimate details, entrants showcase the beauty and functionality of built environments.
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a large building with a clock on the side of it
a small brick house with a blue door and window
a close up of a building with columns and a clock
a clock on the side of a building
a building with a clock on the front of it
a tall white building with a clock on the top of it
an aerial view of a city with a lot of tall buildings
an empty street in front of a tall building
a long wooden walkway next to a body of water
a large clock tower towering over a city
a large building with many windows and a clock
a building with a clock on the side of it
a building that has a clock on the side of it
a couple of yellow doors sitting on the side of a building
a black and white photo of a building with balconies
a red brick building with a clock on the side of it
a view of a corner of a room from above
a black and white photo of a staircase
a close up of the corner of a building
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a large building with a clock on the side of it
a small brick house with a blue door and window
a clock on the side of a building
a tall white building with a clock on the top of it
an empty street in front of a tall building
a large clock tower towering over a city
a building with a clock on the side of it
a couple of yellow doors sitting on the side of a building
a red brick building with a clock on the side of it
a view of a corner of a room from above
a close up of the corner of a building
–– – ––– –– –– ––– –– –– ––– – –––– –– – –––– – –––– ––– – – – –– ––– – ––
a large building with a clock on the side of it
a close up of a building with columns and a clock
a tall white building with a clock on the top of it
a long wooden walkway next to a body of water
a couple of yellow doors sitting on the side of a building
a view of a corner of a room from above
a very tall building with a clock on it's side
a clock on the side of a building
an aerial view of a city with a lot of tall buildings
a large clock tower towering over a city
a large building with many windows and a clock
a building that has a clock on the side of it
a red brick building with a clock on the side of it
a close up of the corner of a building
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